Sunday, March 11, 2007


It is an ***aweesome*** week in north east is clear and summer is near....loving it!...just saw 300 and i must say, SPARTANS ARE BAD ASS MUTHA'(SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!) is sick! sick! sickity sick!! was so sick i had to email my greek civilisation professor(from last yr) to gush about it with him...what a movie!!...what a nerd :(..

Unfortunately, sickness is ALSO in the air....i feel its ugly tentacles reaching out to grab my delicate throat...*cough*...joan, ozzy, juliette and even my oldest sister Sally have succumbed to its charms...sigh*...i am very afraid :(....

I am currently in PHILLY!!...had a very "interesting" night at an after hrs bar...pulse...where the BLACK AS HELL DJ sold out and played house music almost all frigging night BAH....but he did revive it at the end with some old school naughty by nature, run DMC and big pun...very interesting mix....unfortunately the night also had some little glitches with me going against my usual inclinations and allowing a "stranger" to buy me a drink....dang...i have learnt my about PAYBACK being a bitch....i couldnt dance all night without him stopping to remind me that i had to dance with him WHENEVA he was ready and he even had to nerve to bring some of his friends to meet me and TELL them in front of me that if they ever want to dance...he bought me a they should go right ahead..???.....i mean...did i sell my soul when i accepted the drink??...i didnt sign any contract??....hiss...the eye i gave them cleared up any confusion......
The moral of the story is : Dont allow unattractive men to buy you drinks...they dont have anything to lose ....fine boys usually have pride and if you aren't interested, they just brush it off and go meet the next girl......not these men, these ones will bugg your ass with NO SHAME!...never again!

Oh and walking home...we watched one really unfortunate dude crash into ralph talking crashing INTO the store Ralph Lauren....i mean his car was inside the store...sunglasses...shirts....out in the open......I felt so much PITY for really sucks to be him right now:(...his insurance company is going to dropkick his ass....poor poor to watch film trick lol....
Moral of the story : DONT DRINK AND DRIVE!

Cranberry has a photoshoot this weekend, its very very impromptu....infact it took a quick call to make it happen and frankly im kinda wondering how its going to turn out...the Photographer is really him!...this is going to be fun...he is providing the model...and frankly so far it seems that we are just going to be sitting pretty on this one.....hmm...we will see!

meanwhile i love me some Ajay.

rocking SOUL BOUTIQUE...

Also checkout our myspace page....

It is controlled by Ms ABBY and i think she has done a lovely job with it!(she paid me to say that...i keed! i keed!)...



SouLBoutiQue said...

I love AJay too!!! And eehh-yaa i didn't give them jand b/c something came up...good luck on the photoshoot! and that shirt is coming, lol....where's my dress?

Mari said...

What a night of events for you. Lol @ dude that bought the drink. That was hilarious. I also learnt that lesson ages ago.

I can't wait to go see 300. Got stuck in bed all weekend coz of a cold. Good luck you guys with the photo shoot and have fun.

MissJ said...

AJ is quite a cutie pie with his monster-fro. He's in H.U.'s spring show and he's the best walker of the bunch---guys and gals!
And about the drinks, I learned my lesson that one time in LA when this Italian-African guy in head to toe Gucci bought me a drink and cock-blocked me all night and then tried to expose his goodies to me. I'm a big girl--I buy my own adult beverages now!

4ACES said...

@SB, Aghogho your dress is coming soonest!I promise!
@ Mari...THANKIES!! you def need to check 300 out ASAP!
@Jaja - tried to expose his goodies???...ok now THAT is too much?!..LOL...

Dammie said...

LoL!!! @ the ugly man!!...and poor accident guy

Anonymous said...

Fly girls, I'm going to need you to update.